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August 23, 2024

Advanced Weight Training Techniques for Experienced Lifters

If you’ve been weightlifting for about 2-3 years, it's safe to say that you are now an experienced lifter. This means you can finally level up your training techniques to ones that are more advanced and rewarding. If you’re wondering what advanced weight training techniques are the best to start with, we’ve got your back.

To get you started, we’ll explain some advanced techniques in detail. Just remember that these are designed to

be done occasionally and not regularly.

Top 4 Advanced Weight Training Techniques

Weight training, even just for 30-60 minutes every week, decreases your chances of getting heart disease and cancer. So, don’t just stop at the intermediate level; instead, elevate your routine with the following advanced weight training techniques.

1. Drop sets

These are among the most popular advanced training techniques for experienced lifters. They are used when your muscles refuse to do another repetition. The technique involves reducing the weight you’re working with so that you can continue the training.
For example, if you are doing dumbbell curls and can’t continue, just replace the dumbbells with lighter ones. This way, you can avoid giving up and get more reps into your routine.

2. Cluster Sets

Among advanced training techniques, cluster sets basically break up your traditional set into smaller ones called “clusters.” Each cluster should be performed with pauses of no more than 10-30 seconds in between.
The technique allows you to do more reps than you would usually do in a standard set. It also helps you to improve your fatigue management and lift heavier loads.

3. Super Sets

Super sets are advanced techniques for weight training that involve you doing two back-to-back exercises without rest. Instead, you take breaks between every superset you perform until the training session ends.
This technique benefits you by allowing you to increase your training volume in less time. This makes the sets perfect for when you want to do some weight training but have limited workout time.

4. Pyramid Training

Pyramid training can be divided into two types: ascending and descending. In ascending pyramid training, you basically start out with high reps and light weights. Then, slowly, you increase the weights while decreasing the reps. A descending pyramid technique works opposite to this.

Studies suggest that pyramid training would give you the same results as a traditional set but with a lower training volume. It’s also been noted that descending pyramid training is considered more effective for building muscle and strength than ascending.

How to Track Advanced Weight Training Techniques?

When incorporating advanced weightlifting techniques into your training, it is important to track your progress. This will help determine the effect of each advanced training technique on your body. To do this, you can use the Train Fitness app.
This app uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to monitor over 230 exercises. Its precise detection and advanced metrics make it exactly what you need to boost your advanced weight training sessions.


After a few years of using beginner and intermediate techniques, your body is ready for more intense weight training. The above-mentioned advanced weight training techniques are great starting points for this.

Just make sure to track these exercises with our high-tech Train Fitness app. The app's advanced metrics will help you see how well your body is handling each technique. In addition, you’ll also be able to connect with your weight training community for extra tips and tricks.

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